
With over 25 companies and organizations involved, UCo has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in-house. On this page we share the latest news and articles from the community.

From sugarcane to denim – a journey of Shima Denim Works

Tussen 1 november en 30 november worden producten van Shima Denim tentoongesteld bij UCo. Op 1 november om 12:00 wordt er een kick-off talk georganiseerd in de grote zaal bij UCo. Veel kledingstukken...

The UCo Garden

Utrecht Community consists of more than 25 organizations that all contribute to integrated sustainability from their own discipline. In this blogpost, one of UCo's communitymembers shares its'...

Keeping Our Bees

Utrecht Community consists of more than 25 organizations that all contribute to integrated sustainability from their own discipline. In this blogpost, one of UCo's communitymembers shares its'...

Kennisevent ‘Bouwen aan plekken met identiteit’

Utrecht Community bestaat uit meer dan 25 organisaties die allemaal bijdragen aan geïntegreerde duurzaamheid vanuit hun eigen discipline. In deze blogpost deelt een van de communityleden van UCo zijn...

Converting Scientific Knowledge into Practice

Utrecht Community consists of more than 25 organizations that all contribute to integrated sustainability from their own discipline. In this blogpost, one of UCo's communitymembers shares its'...

Europe needs a strong plastics Directive to live up to the Paris Agreement

Utrecht Community consists of more than 25 organizations that all contribute to integrated sustainability from their own discipline. In this blogpost, one of UCo's communitymembers shares its'...

Circular economy needs trust, transparency and traceability

Utrecht Community consists of more than 25 organizations that all contribute to integrated sustainability from their own discipline. In this blogpost, one of UCo's communitymembers shares its'...

UCo genomineerd voor Duurzaamheidsprijs

Het jaar 2018 is uitgeroepen tot het Europees Jaar van het Cultureel Erfgoed. De provincie Utrecht grijpt het Europees Erfgoedjaar aan om het Utrechts erfgoed extra in de schijnwerpers te zetten. In...